
Environmental toxins

1. Natural treatment for chemotherapy toxicity: Two studies found that fat-soluble toxic occupational and agricultural chemicals that are stored in the body-and known to cause disease-can be significantly reduced by an Ayurvedic detoxification procedure. These chemicals are associated with hormone disruption, immune system suppression, reproductive disorders, several types of cancer, and other diseases. The studies included a longitudinal pre- and post-treatment and a cross-sectional comparison. In the longitudinal study blood samples were taken from 15 healthy individuals 2 months after a course of the Vedic Physiological Purification Program and revealed a 50% reduction in the levels of PCBs and Beta-HCH. In the cross-sectional study, forty eight subjects, aged 45 years and older, who had previously undergone the detoxification procedure an average of 18 times, were compared with 40 who had not. Blood samples from both groups were assayed for 17 fat-soluble toxicants, including 9 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and 8 pesticides and metabolites, such as DDE, a by-product of DDT. The specific PCBs and pesticides that were studied either had been previously linked to major health problems or have been of high concern for their potential toxicity. The results showed blood levels of PCBs and several pesticides were significantly lower in the detoxification group than in the controls. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 2002; 8 (5): 93-103.

2. Herbal therapy for breast cancer: In a randomised controlled study consisting of 123 breast cancer patients, 59 took MA herbal compounds (MA 4 & 5) along with combination chemotherapy (CAF or CMF) and 64 had chemotherapy only and both were followed over 5 cycles of therapy. The MAK group showed reduced vomiting and loss of appetite and no weight loss compared to controls. Other chemotherapy side-effects occurred with similar frequency in both groups. Complete tumour remission was noted in 24 of the MAK group and 20 of the control group. FASEB J 2000; 14(4):A720 (Abstract).

3. Herbal therapy for cancer: Analysis of health insurance data of participants in the multimodality MVHC program over a 4 year period showed that hospital admissions were 3.3 times less for cancer for the MVHC group compared to the control group (see “other chronic disorders” below). American Journal of Managed Care 1997; 3:135-144.

4. Reduced toxitity during Chemo with herbal therapy:A randomized controlled study of 62 people receiving chemotherapy for cancer showed reduced toxicity and reduced lipid peroxide in patients given an MA herbal compound (MA 4 & 5) over a 3 month period. 38 were randomly allocated to the receive MAK (30 completed follow up) and 24 to the control group (19 completed follow up). The types of cancer included non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), ovarian cancer, breast cancer, oral cancer, and osteogenic sarcoma. Chemotherapy for NHL included Cycophosamide, Vincristine, Methotrexate, Doxorubicin, Prednisone; for Ovarian cancer – Cisplatinum, Adriamycin, Endoxon; Oral cancer – Cisplatinum, 5FU, Methotrexate; Breast cancer – Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexate, 5FU; Osteogenic sarcoma – Cisplatinum, Adriamycin. Reduction occurred with haematological toxicity (reduced white cells and platelets), vomiting and diarrhea along with improvement in sleep, weight and overall well-being. Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Cancer Congress, Bologna, Italy: Monduzzi Editore, 1994; 3099-3102.

5. A study which analysed health insurance data of regular participants of TM over a 5 year period, found that compared to members of the same age and profession, TM practitioners had 55% less hospitalisations for benign and malignant tumours (see “other chronic disorders” below). Psychosomatic Medicine 1987; 49: 493-507.

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